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New York City Overnight Walk: FAQs

Your safety and well-being is our top priority, along with providing you with a positive and meaningful Overnight Walk Experience. Please read the below FAQs about the 2022 New York City Overnight Walk. If you have any questions, please call 888-843-6837 or email us at [email protected], Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST. 


  • Do I have to be vaccinated? Right now, there is no vaccination requirement for the city of New York or the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.
    This is subject to change as New York City enters the upcoming months and this can change at any time. We will follow all of New York City's guidelines, as well as the Intrepid's. Read more about the Intrepid's rules here.

    *14 years old is the minimum age for Walkers to register and be accompanied by an adult guardian at the Overnight Walk. 18 years old is the minimum age for Crew members to register.
  • Do I have to wear my mask? We strongly encourage all participants to wear their masks when in large groups of people, like at the Intrepid, and when stopped along the route at Rest Stops, Quick Stops, and Midnight Snack. Seated and ready to eat is a good time to remove your masks. You are not required to wear your mark while walking 16+ miles unless you choose to do so.
    Masks are required inside the Intrepid, where the restrooms are located. Please bring a mask. This is subject to change as New York City enters the upcoming months.
  • Is there a registration fee? Yes. Each individual participant must register to participate in the event. The registration fee is $50 per Walker or Crew Member. There is a discounted registration fee of $35 for Student and Military Walkers, Crew Members, and Virtual participants. 
  • Do I need to meet my individual fundraising minimum to participant? Yes. The Overnight Walk is AFSP's flagship fundraising event. Our cause is more important than ever, and every dollar you raise allows AFSP to continue our life-saving work.
    • Each Walker agrees to individually fundraise $1,000 by the day of the Walk when registering.
    • Student and Military Walkers agree to individually fundraise $700 by the day of the Walk.
    • Virtual Participants agree to individually fundraise $500 by June 3, 2022.
    • Crew Members do not need to fundraise, as they are not walking in the event. Crew agree to work and support the Walk and Walkers all night. Learn more about Crew Members here.
  • Can I participate virtually? Yes! A new Virtual Participant type has been added for those who are unable to travel and/or join us in-person. Virtual Participants register for $35 and also agree to fundraise $500 by June 3, 2022. Learn more about our Virtual Participant type here.
  • Can my family and friends join? Yes! They can register online to join you. All participants need to be individually registered and meet their own individual fundraising minimum, though anyone can create or join a team during the registration process.

Register Today to Participate

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