Become a Volunteer
Hundreds of Volunteers contribute short periods of time to support The Overnight community before and during The Overnight Walk. Volunteer at an upcoming special event in our walk cities (like our Kick-Off Event and Route Flyering Day), for The Overnight Walk weekends, and/or for the New York office with special preparation tasks by signing up, below. Looking to volunteer for the entire Event? Read about The Crew.
Event Volunteers
During The Overnight, hundreds of Volunteers are needed at our Ceremony Site and at our Cheering Stations for support and encouragement. Volunteers at our Ceremony Site assist with a variety of tasks, including: participant check-in, set-up and breakdown, participant and traffic control, serving breakfast, and more. Licensed Medical Professionals, including those specializing in mental health, photographers, and ASL interpreters are always needed.
Ready to volunteer? Email here!
Overnight Office Volunteers
Help The Overnight Staff in the New York City office with a variety of behind-the-scenes tasks that help make the event what it is. Opportunities include basic data entry, participant packet mailings, T-shirt mailings, etc.
Add Your Name to the Office Volunteer List
We believe that volunteering is an even better experience when done together. Is your company, boy/girl scout troop, fraternity/sorority looking for group opportunities? We will work with you to match an opportunity to your need.
*Volunteers under the age of 18 are welcome to participate when accompanied by an adult.
Still have questions? Contact our volunteer coordinator.