Overnight Safety
Being aware of your surroundings and the resources available are the most important safety aspects of The Overnight. This page details the various resources and support systems we provide to maintain your physical and mental well-being during The Overnight.
Overnight Wristband
Every participant who checks-in will receive an Overnight Wristband. These wristbands are how we identify event participants; your wristband lets us know that you are participating in The Overnight, and they provide valuable information to Overnight Staff.

There are two very important aspects of The Overnight Wristband:
- Your participant ID helps us identify you and lets us know that you are a participant of this event.
- The second is the Road Dispatch phone number which will direct you to Overnight Staff at the Ceremony Site. When you call this number, you are calling Road Dispatch. Road Dispatch can:
- Redirect you if you're lost
- Dispatch a Sweep Vehicle to pick you up and transport you to the next Rest Stop or Quick Stop
- Notify Staff and Crew Members on the route if there is an incident
If there is an emergency, call 911 first and then call the phone number on your wristband.
Safety Considerations
- Your cell phone
- Flashlight or headlamp
- ID and insurance card
- Cash and/or credit card
- Water bottle
The Overnight is a rain or shine event. In the case of inclement weather where it is no longer safe for participants to continue the event (such as lightning or high winds), the Overnight Staff will notify all Crew Members and Staff along the route to get event participants to safety. It may be helpful to bring a plastic bag or ziploc to put your personal items in so they do not get wet.
- The Guide to The Overnight will be sent out approximately a month before the event and will include what to bring, where to go, and helpful tips and rules for The Overnight.
- Follow the rules of The Overnight. These rules are in place to keep you and other Walkers safe - they are located in the back of the Guide to The Overnight.
- Stay on the route, do not try to take shortcuts.
- Do not wear headphones on the route.
- We are walking at night on a weekend, so we may be passing bars along the route as they close for the night. If you have any concerns, please call the number on your Overnight wristband.
- Some areas may be dim, bring a flashlight or headlamp.
Safety on the Route
Safety is one of The Overnight's biggest priorities. We have many people on the route and at the Ceremony Site who monitor the event and our participants to make sure everyone is safe.
- Road Dispatch: Road Dispatch is located at the Ceremony Site and they monitor the route. Road Dispatch keeps track of where Walkers are on the route and if Walkers need any extra assistance. They are in contact with Staff and Crew on the route and maintain the overall safety of The Overnight.
- Incident Response: Incident Response works closely with Road Dispatch to monitor any incidents on the route.
- Road Manager: The Road Manager checks the entire route before Walkers enter the route. During the evening, they drive the entire route ahead of the Walkers to note any changes or concerns.
- Rest Stop and Quick Stop Closure: These are both Overnight Staff paired with Crew Members who monitor the stops and ensure all Walkers are safe and arrive in a timely manner. Overnight Staff wear grey shirts. They help close down the stops after the last Walker and Caboose have left.
- Caboose and Caboose Assistant: The Caboose is an Overnight Staff member who works with a Caboose Assistant, a Crew Member, who both walk with the last Walker. They are on bicycle and if the last Walker gets into a sweep vehicle, they will ride up to meet the new last Walker.
- Medical Crew: Medical Crew Members wear red shirts. They are licensed medical professionals overseen by our Medical Director, and are found on the route and at the Ceremony Site. They are here to help if you have any physical issues, from blisters to dehydration, and everything in between.
- Participant Support: Participant Support wear purple shirts. They are licensed mental health professionals on the route and at the Ceremony Site who can help you if you need emotional support.
- Bicycle Crew: Bicycle Crew monitor the route on bicycle in orange shirts. They are there to make sure no one feels alone. They also assist Walkers crossing difficult intersections.
- Motorcycle Safety Crew: They monitor the route on motorcycle in orange shirts. They ensure the safe passage of Walkers and can also help at difficult intersections for Walkers to cross.
Overnight vehicles can be found along the route. You can also call the number on The Overnight Wristband to ask for a Sweep Vehicle.

- Sweep Vehicles: Pick up participants along the route and transport them to the next Rest Stop or Quick Stop. To signal for a Sweep Vehicle to stop: put your arm out with a "thumbs down" signal or cross both of your arms over your head.
- SAG Buses: Pick up participants at Rest Stops and transport them back to the Ceremony Site.
- Medical Taxi: A vehicle that can transport you to hospitals in the area if needed.
A Rest Stop or Quick Stop is located every two to three miles along the route.
- Rest Stops: All Rest Stops are equipped with Medical Crew, Participant Support, portable toilets, water, Gatorade, and snacks.
- Quick Stops: Quick Stops are equipped with Participant Support, Gatorade, water, and portable toilets.
- Midnight Snack: Midnight Snack is approximately halfway through the route. A boxed lunch meal will be provided. Midnight Snack is also equipped with Medical Crew, Participant Support, Gatorade, water, and portable toilets.

All police precincts are notified before The Overnight. They are aware of the route and the approximate times Walkers should arrive at their precinct on the route.